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Drug Crimes

Drug Crime

Understanding Your Rights if You’ve Been Charged with a Drug Crime

Whether the offense involves possession, distribution, or trafficking a controlled substance, being charged with a drug crime can be stressful and overwhelming. If convicted, you could face substantial jail time, significant fines, and a permanent criminal record that...
Drugged Driving

What is Drugged Driving in New York?

Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol isn’t the only impaired driving offense that can lead to an arrest. Critically, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and illegal substances can all affect a person’s ability to drive. Drugged driving can...
marijuana possession defense attorney

Four Important Things to Know About New York’s Marijuana Laws

As the legal landscape regarding marijuana laws continues to shift, New York became the 16th state to legalize cannabis in 2021. However, there are still certain restrictions in place and it’s important to understand these laws to avoid incurring criminal penalties....
Chemical Test

What are the Consequences of Refusing a Chemical Test?

Under New York’s Implied Consent law, all drivers agree to submit to a chemical test if they are pulled over on reasonable suspicion of drunk driving. These tests are used by law enforcement to determine the level of alcohol in the blood. While the most common...
Drug Treatment Court

What is Drug Treatment Court — and is it an Option in My Case?

If you were arrested for a non-violent drug crime, you may be eligible for drug treatment court. This is a voluntary alternative to the regular court process that allows non-violent, drug-addicted offenders to enter into a treatment program, and potentially avoid...

What is Possession of a Controlled Substance?

Possession of a controlled substance is a serious crime in New York that can come with severe consequences. Many of these offenses are charged as felonies and can come with a lengthy prison term, steep fines, and long-term ramifications. Not only can a conviction...
Dispensary Owner Legal Defense

What Defenses Can Be Used in a Drug Possession Case?

If you face charges for possession of a controlled substance, it’s crucial to understand that an arrest does not mean a conviction. While this offense is taken very seriously in New York, there are several defense strategies that can be used to fight the charges...