Criminal Defense

Criminal Case

What is a Bench Trial in a Criminal Case?

Most people are familiar with jury trials and know that a defendant has the Constitutional right to be tried by a jury of their peers in a serious criminal case. But a jury trial isn’t always the only option. If you’ve been charged with a felony or certain...
Pre-Trial Motion

What is a Pre-Trial Motion?

If you’ve been charged with a crime, you need a solid defense. One of the tools your criminal defense attorney will use as part of your defense strategy is the filing of pre-trial motions. Depending on the facts and circumstances of your case, a pre-trial motion can...
Zero Tolerance Law

What is New York’s Zero Tolerance Law?

Being charged with drunk driving at any age is a serious criminal offense that can result in steep consequences. However, New York State law provides distinct penalties for underage drivers who have been charged with DWIs. The Zero Tolerance Law specifies a lower...

When Can You Appeal a Criminal Case in New York?

If you’ve been convicted of a crime, you might still have the option to continue your defense in some situations. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you might be eligible to appeal the conviction or sentence to achieve a dismissal of your case, a reduction...
Fifth Amendment

Understanding the Protections of the Fifth Amendment

Under the United States Constitution, an individual who has been accused of a crime is protected from self-incrimination. Commonly referred to as “the right to remain silent,” the Fifth Amendment guarantees that a person cannot be compelled by the government to...
Fourth Amendment

What is the Fourth Amendment Protection Against Unreasonable Search and Seizure?

The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees protections to individuals from unlawful search and seizure by the government. However, it’s important to understand that this right doesn’t mean you can never be searched by the police. It only extends to...
DWI Felony

When is a DWI a Felony in New York?

A DWI can come with serious consequences, especially if you’re facing felony charges. While a first DWI is typically charged as a misdemeanor, there are certain situations in which an offense of driving under the influence can be a felony. For instance, if there are...
Drug Treatment Court

What is Drug Treatment Court — and is it an Option in My Case?

If you were arrested for a non-violent drug crime, you may be eligible for drug treatment court. This is a voluntary alternative to the regular court process that allows non-violent, drug-addicted offenders to enter into a treatment program, and potentially avoid...
Search Warrant

What is a Search Warrant? 

Most people are aware that the police are usually prohibited from searching a premises or person without a warrant under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. A search warrant is a court order issued for the purpose of authorizing law enforcement to conduct a...
Subway Self-Defense

NYC Subway Incident Raises Complex Legal Questions Regarding Self-Defense

The recent New York City subway incident that resulted in the death of Jordan Neely made headlines throughout the nation. While there are still many facts that are not yet known, and various issues that will need to be determined at trial, the case raises many...