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Penalties for Multiple DWI Offenses

A DWI is a serious matter — and the repercussions for multiple offenses can be much more severe. While a first-time DWI conviction is generally classified as a misdemeanor in New York State, a second offense within ten years constitutes a felony. If you’ve been...
DWI Arrest

Common Mistakes to Avoid During a DWI Arrest

Being pulled over for drinking and driving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. A DWI can not only result in monetary fines and jail time, but it can also lead to personal, professional, and financial ramifications. Critically, any mistakes you make during...
Chemical Test

What are the Consequences of Refusing a Chemical Test?

Under New York’s Implied Consent law, all drivers agree to submit to a chemical test if they are pulled over on reasonable suspicion of drunk driving. These tests are used by law enforcement to determine the level of alcohol in the blood. While the most common...
DWI Attorney

Do You Need an Attorney for a DWI Charge?

If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence in New York, you may be wondering whether you should have the representation of an attorney. Critically, being charged with driving under the influence in New York can have a long-lasting impact on your life and...
DWI Felony

When is a DWI a Felony in New York?

A DWI can come with serious consequences, especially if you’re facing felony charges. While a first DWI is typically charged as a misdemeanor, there are certain situations in which an offense of driving under the influence can be a felony. For instance, if there are...

Types of DWI Offenses in New York State 

Being charged with the offense of driving while intoxicated can be stressful and overwhelming. However, it’s important to understand that the consequences you may face can depend upon the facts and circumstances surrounding the DWI — and the specific offense with...
New York DWI Cases

Can the Necessity Defense Be Used in DWI Cases in New York?

Driving under the influence is a very serious offense in New York that requires a skillful and strategic defense. Critically, one of the defenses that may be available to those who have been charged with the offense of driving under the influence is the “necessity...
Marijuana DWAI

3 Important Things to Know About Marijuana DWAIs in New York

Many people are familiar with New York’s strict laws regarding driving under the influence of alcohol. However, it’s critical to be aware that the state also imposes harsh penalties on those who have been found guilty of driving under the influence of marijuana —...
DWI Mistakes

Common Mistakes to Avoid Making in Your DWI Case

A DWI is a serious matter in New York. While these situations can be stressful and overwhelming, many people are not sure what they should do or how they should proceed. Critically, there are certain mistakes that are commonly made which could impact your case and...
Impaired Driver Program

What is the New York State Impaired Driver Program?

A consequence of a DWI conviction in New York can be license suspension or revocation. Losing your license, even temporarily, can have a substantial impact on your life and livelihood. However, if you qualify for the Impaired Driver Program — formerly known as the...